The Lake County Historical Society collections reflect the history and culture of Lake County, Minnesota. In addition to our archival records, the Society maintains a collection of research files which contain information compiled by individual researchers and the Society on a variety of topics. This includes information on businesses, industries, and people in the county. The files are not all encompassing and continue to be added to as more research is done.
Access to the historical society’s permanent collections are restricted. Due to the staffing limitations at the Society we do ask that you fill out a research request form to help staff gain an understanding of particular topics you wish to research. Staff conducted research is done October through May. Individuals interested in conducting research shall contact LCHS administrative staff at
The Recorder’s Office still holds the records for births, deaths, and marriages which is the optimal resource for genealogy research.
Phone: (218) 834-8301
Based in Chisolm on the Discovery Center Complex, the Iron Range Research Center is a great resource for those in search of local history and genealogical research.
Phone: (218)-254-7959
Thank you for your interest in Lake County History. Due to staffing limitations, seasonable availability of the archivist, and amount of time it takes to research specific requests the Lake County Historical Society follows the below pricing guide for research and photographic requests. Additional cost for reproduction of images. See photo reproduction policy for pricing details. Once a research request is filed, Lake County Historical Society staff will try to fulfill the request within two weeks during the winter months and within four weeks during the summer months.
Member |
Non-Member |
Business |
Minimum Fee, 1st Hour |
$20 |
$25 |
$30 |
Per Hour Rate After Flat Rate |
$15 |
$20 |
$25 |
The mission of the Lake County Historical Society is to preserve the history of Lake County, Minnesota through the preservation, study and interpretation of artifacts, documents, photographs and historic sites and to tell the story of our past and present culture.